Soca Electrical Distribution

Soca Electrical Distribution

Soca Electrical Distribution

50 channels 400A powerlock input soca electrical distribution with 4 units 12 channels socapex dimmer packs, with 400 amp RCD main breaker, is very good for pro lighting and sound systems, to provide the power supply for all stage performance devices and equipments during the events.

Belangrikste voordele

• Simple and nice design, elegant looking, very convenient in using

• 400amp RCD Main breaker and branch breakers ensure the safety

• With high quality brand Schneider switch breakers

• Met LED-aanwyserlig vir elke kanaal van kragverspreidings

• Digital display meters keep watching the changes of the voltage and current

• Skokvaste rakkoffer verpak

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Produk bekendstel

Soca Electrical Distribution Product Technical:

Produknaam 50 channels soca electrical distribution
Handelsnaam SX
Model nommer G29-50W
Krag Invoer 3 phase 5 wires 380V/415V 400 amp powerlock input & output
Kraguitsette 4 units 12 channels socapex dimmer pack outputs 230V (3kw/way)
2 x 125A 5pin 3 phase outputs 380V IP67 connectors (62w/way)
Breker Skakelaars
hoofbreker 400amp/4P RCD main breaker Schneider brand
Uitsetbrekers 48 x 20A/1P breakers for 4 units 12 channels socapex dimmer packs
2 x 125A/3P breakers for 2 x 125A 5pin 3 phase outputs 380V IP67
Vertoon meter Digitale A,B,C spanningsmeters en A,B,C ammeters
Inside wire With 4mm2 wire cables for socapex and 150mm2 for main breaker
LED aanwyser lig Ja
CE-sertifisering CE
Verpakking besonderhede
verpakkingsmateriaal kartonne en vlug geval

Production details:

50 channels soca electrical distribution with socapex dimmer packs


Step 1: Wiring the connectors on the rack panels


Step 2: Installing the connector panels on the power racks


Step 3: Production finished


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SX Services

Production time

Depending on the quantity, the general production time is 7-15 days, and the shipping time depends on the country of arrival.

Logistics Consulting

If you have your own freight forwarder in China, we use your freight forwarder, if not, we will help to check the freight without adding price

After-sales service

Our warranty service is one year and we can provide various support. If it is our problem, please contact us to solve it.

Minimum Order Quantity

Power distribution box》1
Flighting case》10
Small power distribution box》1
power case》50meters 
hoist controller》1

Drawing Settings

For specific products, we will design the drawings and produce them after confirmation with the customer. We can customize your brand or LOGO

Payment Methods

We usually use T/T payment method, most of them are Paypal, we can also accept other methods and communicate in time