Power Distro equipment Factory

China’s SX Power Distro Equipment Company leading architectural power distribution boxes, power cables,flight case,hoist controller factory and suppliers.

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power Distro Equipment products

SX Technology Development Co., Ltd. specializes in the production of power Distro boxes, power cables, hoist controllers, and flight cases to cope with various large-scale performances or activities. Each product can be customized according to customer requirements.

power Distro equipment factory

Guangzhou SX power distribution equipment Technology Equipment Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of power boxes, socapex cable,electric hoist controllers, flight cases, and hardware accessories.Over the years, with the business philosophy of honesty, professionalism, and competitive pricing, we have won the trust of our customers. We have established long-term cooperation with many audio, lighting, and performance companies.

Why Choose SX power distribution Distro factory?

Eksklusiewe aanpassing

We have dedicated designers to draw drawings for each produk, and every link and part will be confirmed with the customer to achieve the product the customer wants.

Sterkte fabriek

Volledige monteerlyn, standaard bedradingskakels om kwaliteit en veiligheid te verseker, 'n verskeidenheid pasgemaakte kragboksproduktipes


20 jaar fabrieksproduksie-ervaring, vervaardiging van verskeie pasgemaakte produkte en bykomstighede, sodat die produkte gestuur sal word nadat dit getoets en korrek is.


Die werkers produseer vinnig, en die goedere word basies binne ongeveer 3-15 dae gestuur, afhangende van die hoeveelheid. Die goedere word onmiddellik na die gehalte-inspeksie voltooi is, gestuur om hoëspoed-logistiek te verseker.

lae prys

Ons het ons eie produksie fabriek, en die prys word bepaal deur die kliënt aanpassing. Ons kan laeprys- of duuronderdele aanpas, en ons sal professionele voorstelle gee.

Sertifikaat verifikasie

CE internasionale sertifisering vir kabels, kragboks CE internasionale sertifisering, internasionale CE-sertifisering, internasionale BUREAU VERITAS-sertifisering en ander sertifikate

Regte resensies van regte kliënte

Ons het honderde tevrede kliënte bedien en hier is 'n paar resensies wat hulle vir ons gelaat het.

Power Distro product knowledge

SX projects cover large-scale events, performances, DJ parties and other fields.


20+ years of experience factory, various products support customization, free quotation

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