Socapex Fan Out

Socapex Fan Out

Socapex fan out to powercon connectors, with one 19pin soca male head and break-out to 6way of blue powercon connectors as power extension cable.

Məhsulun təqdimatı

The Socapex fan out cables with powercon connectors are normally used in pro light and sound equipment, Led screen or other related items. This cable allows you to separate the soca to 6 circuits and provide a reliable power to devices with powercon sockets.

Məhsulun təqdimatı

Məhsul parametri

Məhsulun adıSocapex fan out cable
Input Current16Amp / way
Input Voltage110V-220V
One end19pin male/female plugs
Split endPowercon Blue
Cable Length:Xüsusiləşdirilə bilər
Cable/Cord:14 Awg / 3*2.5mm

Enhance Your Setup with SX Socapex Fan Out

Are you in need of a reliable and efficient solution for your lighting and power distribution needs? Look no further than the SX Socapex Fan Out. This high-quality product ensures seamless connections and robust performance, making it an essential addition to your toolkit.

Superior Quality at Low Prices

The SX Socapex Fan Out is crafted with precision and top-tier materials, ensuring durability and reliability. Despite the high quality, we offer this product at a low price, thanks to our factory direct sales model. This means you get excellent value without breaking the bank.

Factory Direct Sales for the Best Value

By eliminating middlemen, SX is able to provide the Socapex Fan Out directly to you at the most competitive prices. Our commitment to factory direct sales guarantees that you receive top-notch quality without the added cost. This approach ensures that you always get the best deal possible.

Ideal for Custom Setups

Every setup is unique, and SX understands the need for tailored solutions. The Socapex Fan Out can be customized to meet your specific requirements, ensuring optimal performance in any situation. Our custom services allow you to specify the configurations that best suit your needs, providing a perfect fit every time.

Boost Your Efficiency

Using the SX Socapex Fan Out enhances your efficiency by providing reliable and efficient power distribution. Whether you’re setting up for a concert, event, or studio, this product ensures that your power needs are met with precision and ease.

Trust SX for Quality and Affordability

When you choose the SX Socapex Fan Out, you’re investing in a product that combines quality, affordability, and reliability. Our commitment to excellence means you can trust that you’re getting the best possible solution for your power distribution needs.

In conclusion, the SX Socapex Fan Out is the ideal choice for those seeking a high-quality, cost-effective solution for their power distribution needs. With our focus on factory direct sales, custom solutions, and superior quality, SX delivers a product that you can rely on, every time.

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